"The practice of creating trademark" is a book about how to create identity and to use it sensibly

last week, the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" published my book called "the Practice of trademarks".

Here (Habre) a lot of people who write and discuss, and certainly there are those who wonder about his book. This post is for them. This post is for designers and managers — freelancers, studios and agencies.

Despite the title, this book is not about legal technicalities but about the design and management of projects. And the book contains only the real applicable in the daily work of the considerations and approaches to creating a work identity.

So Igor Mann left the book here is the opinion:
I Love these books! Read, take it and do it. Topic closed.

I wanted to write a book that would help my colleagues and customers faster through the process of creating a corporate identity ("identity"), to put in order (literally — sort) necessary actions, to link them to a set of logical and easy steps.

In this case I wanted to divide the work on the graphics and to separate such different interpretation of the notion of "branding" and the actions that can be evaluated rationally and clearly.

And again. For several years in design and sales, I noticed that often the problems in the design go hand in hand with problems in the creation of information materials in principle: people can't really even write a text about their activities (what actually can be done free of charge, without the involvement of the Studio or the Agency), and it turns out that there is simply nothing to make. And when there are no sources of ideas when there is no materials and no specific goals, work on graphic design becomes simply dubious.

Of course, not the one I was come to such conclusions. But, not to be unfounded, I described one of the mechanisms of text generation — interviewing, interpretation of texts, editing of drafts.
It's pretty capacious process, but it helps to overcome the stupor of a "clean slate" and get the text (information) that can actually draw.

Texts and descriptions give ground for reflection, finding ideas and material for decoration. That is the most basic need.

Why is about trademarks, not the trademarks and logos?

The answer may be a little unexpected, but it concerns the criteria of acceptance. This is the most important and usually controversial issue, because it is extremely difficult (but necessary!) to define rational criteria for the acceptance of works, which are often made on emotion ("pictures", "I'm (in)love", "something bothers me", "this is secondary", "I don't know", etc.) — that is, no transparent set of criteria.

It is easiest to start from, with what little sense to argue that all the same (and the violators) — for example, laws.

So it was logical to explore the legal component and the existing laws that define just the minimum basic requirements and explain them. That's all for the registration of marks: nice classification (the international classification of goods and services), and the process of verification about the uniqueness of names by class, graphic identity, and the like.

In terms of base at least possible to build system:
  • will first examine the competitive environment (and how to do it with regard to the identity);
  • the
  • how to register a trademark (the Central part of the base, so to speak);
  • the
  • then what to do with all that — technical requirements for the results (which are also imprinted on the requirements to the result, thereby making the process more transparent).

Key points of the book

Check mark confirms an abstract maturity of the company, the formality of procedure makes a fresh view of many people (on customer side) on the importance of the process, and in my understanding can serve as the formal and rational acceptance criteria.
Coupled with prepared texts, which specify the nature of the design, rational criteria can help steer creativity in the right direction. Research will tell you which direction to move is not necessary.

There is also the financial and technical aspects, which cannot be circumvented.
Technical aspects — production, types of media (electronic and physical) — this is the second big set of rational criteria (or limits if you want).

To the financial aspects I took, no matter how it seemed strange, including management of graphic assets. Too often I've watched companies perenakachivat the same work, which did not so long ago, but the loss of time and with qualitatively different results. The financial implications here are huge: this time the work of several people, the loss of identity (blurring of visual image), which in turn reduces the value of advertising investments and gives even in the medium term rather modest result.

So, the book describes the stages of research, development, registration and implementation (the latter from the viewpoint of management graphics, not presentations, and the like).

And of course, the book is mostly about design, not about trademarks. Therefore, the key words in the title — "the practice of creating", and to identify important and significant result of this practice, we fix the "trademarks".

Two effects from reading the book, which I was glad

This, of course, about the first readers ' feedback.

  1. All the feedback logical record in the category of "positive" note it is the practicality of the book — and both designers and customers.
  2. the
  3. People who read the book while working on similar tasks found in the book is much more useful, applicable to the work of the information than those who read her for fun (because I asked).

Why it makes me happy? Because I am such a book intended to answer questions that will be asked in the process of creating corporate identities and trademarks.

Why about the practice?

Some of the first readers said: "Vanya, boring to read: I would write something philosophical". But there are books, after which the feelings are good, and what to do specifically and how is unclear.

So I decided to do a thankless job :-) and to try to systematize the particular work.

By the way, about specific tools, like photoshop, Illustrator and the like, I deliberately wrote nothing. It was important for me to show the problem as the customer sees it and the way it sees the performer. And it is a practice of relationships and arrangements.

the content of the book

great Content, keep it hidden here

Than a trademark differs from a brand, and why the work must be in order (taking proactive), rather than adapt to circumstances

1. The creative part (working) group

Who does what ~ How many and what kind of specialists required for the project ~ "Time urgent": again the question about the number of people

2. Interview key employees of the company

Analysis of the current situation; plans of the company; analysis of sales, procurement and supply / how to prepare for an interview ~ what and how to ask during the interview?

3. The study information materials competitors

Where to start research? ~ What to fix? ~ Why carry out research? ~ About the coincidence of ideas / "it happened" ~ Comparison with competitors without mentioning them / working with text

4. Formulation of objectives and the conclusion of the contract

"Wishlist" and the real task ~ task Types: what to consider in work, what to fix in the contract ~ If in the process of developing the requirements have changed ~ Identify and fix the terms of the contract ~ and natural constraints of the task list ~ How to organize the process of harmonization task
5. Preparation of drafts of informational texts

Enough to start it draft ~ work Plan drafts / decryption, compiling, editing, proofreading, draft layout

6. The formulation and formalization of basic services

The list of services ~ Graphic design activities and lines of business ~ List of services and their description ~ the Formulation and description of comprehensive services ~ Publication of prices for comprehensive services

7. Search names to future trademark

First the title, then design, or Vice versa? ~ Quick tips on inventing names product and company ~ Essential requirements for the names ~ How come up with names

8. Visualization of ideas: the development of trademarks and logos to prepare for trademark registration

"Graphic kit" ~ the Difference between the sign and the logo ~ do we Need all the sign? ~ A few comments on the work on the sign and the logo ~ Sketches, concepts and distributions: what's the difference? ~ The order of execution of works on preparation of graphics for trademark registration

9. Trademark registration

The definition of countries where trademark ~ Choice of classes will say a lot about the company's strategy ~ a Test of suitability for registration ~ What to do during check-in, throughout many years?

10. Domain name registration and creating email addresses

Common mistakes when registering domain names ~ Investments in the domain, and not only in the website ~ e-mail Address — the same branding

11. Elaboration of informational texts with the developed nomenclature

Instructions for use of the company name in the official materials ~ Training contact information ~ version Control lyrics ~ On the translation of texts into other languages

12. Determination of the volume of production and search printers

Layouts and products ~ the Determination of the list of layouts on the design ~ to search for manufacturing, you need to decide what will be done ~ Think about where you will store the products

13. Effective management of graphical assets

Brand-books: history of the image and perception of the brand ~ Guidelines and cathage: instructions for designers on the use of best practices~ create a database on the distributions of models and interface to it.

14. Study of the distributions of the mark and logo for different conditions of use

Optical correction and scaling signs ~ Sometimes, different backgrounds are drawn separate versions of the character ~ Summary by type of distributions / PivotTable

15. Corporate typography

To order the creation of a new font or to buy a license on an existing one? ~ Create a font for a unique design firmenlogo style ~ Some considerations about the optical correction ~ About original font for quickly creating logos ~ a Brief summary about brand typography and fonts ~ Bonus track: a few words about readability and legibility of a font

16. Creating layouts (graphic design)

Make only real content ~ How to organize work on layouts ~ Bonus track: "What to write on business cards?"

Afterword and Acknowledgements

I Recommend reading (recommended reading list)

Approximate schedule of works on creation of trademark (colour box)

Color illustrations to the text (color paste)

How to read if the problem is now there, and I want to know for the future

This is the way I found out, too, thanks to the first readers.

Briefly the answer is this: if some Chapter hard to read, you can safely move on to the next.
All chapters are very different in mood and detail, because too describe different components of the process.

Each Chapter of the book about the creation of marks — pretty self-value, and in some cases they can be perceived as a text, independent from the "whole book".
There are chapters about design (they are usually more interesting to read, or just curious people), there are the ones about management issues — they are a little boring, but interesting moments in them too.

Finally, there is, so to speak, purely process-Chapter — about the creation of texts, conduct research and interviews, about preparing layouts — they can seem very boring, but it will be so until, until you get down to action, that is to practice. Then everything is aligned, and sometimes these process chapters become more interesting texts about the schedule.

a few words about working with the publisher

The choice of publishing was an arduous process (it really is a mutual process, because the publishers chose authors).

I quickly threw out the idea "do it yourself", although the manuscript to the publisher was sent in the form of ready-made layout (Yes, the layout is also mine, although the final layout was done by the specialists of the publishing house).

Here two main reasons:
  1. Distribution. I didn't want to deal with this issue, and especially to keep stock of the books in the office or at home (after all, we must make sure that the book has reached the readers, otherwise it's not a book).
  2. the
  3. Promotion. Alone and at their own expense to do the promotion of your hand, especially when there are people with ready audience.

In the end I was lucky, and the book was published in the Myth. This is the best publishing house of business literature (I myself have a lot of their books, and I not an exception).

There is another cool bonus: working with the publishing house, especially as, like MYTH, allows you to meet and chat with other authors, and it is very interesting.

Useful links:

  1. the Description of the book and several chapters — the publishers.
  2. the
  3. there is only paper version can be purchased in the "Ozone" and soon the book should appear the stores cooperating with the publishing house.
  4. the
  5. My blog, particularly a great post about how I was working on a book (description of process, technical: when and as written, the tools, and the like).


Soon we will launch a special website on which is described in the book model will be presented in the form of a calculator of the time and cost of works on this project. We are testing the version in which anyone will be able to pay the cost of the work of specialists and their expert assessment of the timing, and get a rough picture of the project in the form of the schedule.

Until the website comes down, it has the first couple of interesting reviews about the book.

Answer questions, ask :-)
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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