How to use picollator.EN.What he should expect, and what not
find the right information online is not so simple. It would seem that the search services have been indexed and have learned to quickly detect emerging sites. You can search not only web pages, but video, audio, etc. (how, is another question).
For the most patient of people with an analytical mind came up with enhanced query for searching. (I personally rarely use them, but perhaps someone already is not without them, his life). The calculation formula of the ratings of the relevance of results will save us a lot of time browsing the information. Still, for example, there are services that you can sing into the phone song, and they'll say, what was the song and give a listen to the original. Incidentally, the service is innovative. This is one of the few examples where a search is not a text phrase, and directly in the digital "content". Very funny, try it, if your company will pay you the account for telephone calls. By the way, try to find this service, for example, in Yahoo with the query "service to sing to find audio website". And what do we see? Baths and saunas in Moscow, the diary of Alexander Zhdanov... But where is the service?
Search for objects using keywords and phrases is the standard way of searching the Internet. Yes, you can optionally set filters by country, language, file types or domains. But the correct search query is the key to success. The problem is that it is not always in principle possible to formulate a text query. The only way is to use the content as the query.
When working with search service for information on the images this rule remains in force. Instead of a text query must match the query image. In other words, you need a fairly good photo of the person whose information we want to find.
What picture you need to apply to the search to get the best results? For starters, look at the FAQ published on the service website at the link and scroll down to the question of "are There requirements to upload photos?". Carefully read the answer:
Image type: TIFF, PNG, JPEG, BMP
Resolution: not more than 25.
Image size: 128*128 pixel and more.
This is a very important parameter. If you download to search the image does not correspond to any of the prescribed requirements, you will not find anything. And requirements the image size is one important consequence, if the linear dimensions of the faces in the photos will be less than 128*128 pixels – you will not find. Even if the photo is large enough, but the faces on it look like peas, you can not expect good results.
The perfect picture is "photo passport":
1.Solid color background;
2.Hair slicked back (the face does not overlap with other objects);
3.Without glasses;
4.Eyes look forward (no turns or head tilts);
5.No facial expressions;
6.The lighting is uniform;
7.The line connecting the eye horizontal;
8.The whole face appears in the photograph.
9.Size: 1200х900 pixel.
10.Face size: at least 500x500 pixels.
Of these items the user should make one main conclusion. The area of the eyes in the picture will be crucial for search results.
By the way, I want to make one important reservation. Service does not save the pictures that you submit as a search query, and therefore they did not use. When you see on the screen of the search result to your pictures on the server anymore. And so if you want to use as the query the same photo again, you'll have to download it again. The search results can change, but only if in the process of finding changes in the index.
It is very important the location of the face in the photo. Turn ready, raised or lowered chin, hair combed down on the forehead or back. Nuances abound. And if the person is a woman, who master the art of makeup, we can expect very different results depending on different photos. About the influence of age on the man's face and say no. And how our mood can change our face! Look at the following example. We have 3 pictures of the same girls, try to find something in
In the first photo the girl is exactly

Let's complicate the task and ask the model to tilt the head

The results are markedly changed. The main role here was played by a strand of hair that fell into his eyes.
Now let's take a more close-up:

The results were quite different, although overlapping. But it's all the same girl, taken at approximately the same time on the same camera with the same lighting! We conclude – for more objective results it is advisable to prepare a few photos of the desired person.
What we can see in the results? is a young service, and the amount of scanned and indexed data is still small. At this stage, therefore, most likely, will be found exactly similar faces, and they will be similar to your particular photo. The ambiguity of the images is much higher than the multiple meanings of words. It should be understood and taken into account.
Another important remark concerns the proper understanding of the results that you have before you. When you launch the search keyword search engines return results sorted by relevance with a fairly good (but not always!) accuracy. And you, most likely, long been accustomed to. When searching for it is guaranteed that if the index already has a picture, an exact copy of the one you send to search, you'll get it first in the results list. But it must be an exact copy in all respects.
How is the results list? To do this, read in FAQ answer on question, which, at first glance, has little to do with our topic "How does the function "Find similar"?" Answer: "When you click on the link "Find similar" under one of the pictures, the search engine will show you similar images from the index. When it comes to photographs create clusters (groups) of images most similar to each other. Thus, when you click on the "Find similar", you see images that belong to one cluster. "Of particular interest to us is the phrase" When it comes to photographs create clusters (groups) of images most similar to each other. "This means that similar images are grouped. When a search for pictures of the conditions are some of the most similar groups, which are displayed in the results. The fact that a group similar to what the photo means that the entire body photos of this group of "average" like a given photo. So on the screen you can see the results are somewhat similar individuals, but a number of other less similar results. Over time, these groups can be rearranged and the results can improve. 100% results not guarantee any search engine on the Internet, at least, modern.
In conclusion, I will say that the service Picollator Online is not a criminal investigation. He does not compare the left eye with the left eye, nose for nose, ear with ear. Methods are somewhat different. It also does not guarantee accurate identification of the individual in the sketch, even a very well-crafted. But the results may be useful to you as development of the system, because using picollator you can find the pages that posted the selections you need pictures.
How to find the service that "the voice" a telephone call, identifies the melody? Service British and so there is useful knowledge of English. Let it be the phrase "search service audio by phone". It didn't work? Then another query on the Yahoo "music discovery engine". Please That's what a quality search query.
Article based on information from
For the most patient of people with an analytical mind came up with enhanced query for searching. (I personally rarely use them, but perhaps someone already is not without them, his life). The calculation formula of the ratings of the relevance of results will save us a lot of time browsing the information. Still, for example, there are services that you can sing into the phone song, and they'll say, what was the song and give a listen to the original. Incidentally, the service is innovative. This is one of the few examples where a search is not a text phrase, and directly in the digital "content". Very funny, try it, if your company will pay you the account for telephone calls. By the way, try to find this service, for example, in Yahoo with the query "service to sing to find audio website". And what do we see? Baths and saunas in Moscow, the diary of Alexander Zhdanov... But where is the service?
Search for objects using keywords and phrases is the standard way of searching the Internet. Yes, you can optionally set filters by country, language, file types or domains. But the correct search query is the key to success. The problem is that it is not always in principle possible to formulate a text query. The only way is to use the content as the query.
When working with search service for information on the images this rule remains in force. Instead of a text query must match the query image. In other words, you need a fairly good photo of the person whose information we want to find.
What picture you need to apply to the search to get the best results? For starters, look at the FAQ published on the service website at the link and scroll down to the question of "are There requirements to upload photos?". Carefully read the answer:
Image type: TIFF, PNG, JPEG, BMP
Resolution: not more than 25.
Image size: 128*128 pixel and more.
This is a very important parameter. If you download to search the image does not correspond to any of the prescribed requirements, you will not find anything. And requirements the image size is one important consequence, if the linear dimensions of the faces in the photos will be less than 128*128 pixels – you will not find. Even if the photo is large enough, but the faces on it look like peas, you can not expect good results.
The perfect picture is "photo passport":
1.Solid color background;
2.Hair slicked back (the face does not overlap with other objects);
3.Without glasses;
4.Eyes look forward (no turns or head tilts);
5.No facial expressions;
6.The lighting is uniform;
7.The line connecting the eye horizontal;
8.The whole face appears in the photograph.
9.Size: 1200х900 pixel.
10.Face size: at least 500x500 pixels.
Of these items the user should make one main conclusion. The area of the eyes in the picture will be crucial for search results.
By the way, I want to make one important reservation. Service does not save the pictures that you submit as a search query, and therefore they did not use. When you see on the screen of the search result to your pictures on the server anymore. And so if you want to use as the query the same photo again, you'll have to download it again. The search results can change, but only if in the process of finding changes in the index.
It is very important the location of the face in the photo. Turn ready, raised or lowered chin, hair combed down on the forehead or back. Nuances abound. And if the person is a woman, who master the art of makeup, we can expect very different results depending on different photos. About the influence of age on the man's face and say no. And how our mood can change our face! Look at the following example. We have 3 pictures of the same girls, try to find something in
In the first photo the girl is exactly

Let's complicate the task and ask the model to tilt the head

The results are markedly changed. The main role here was played by a strand of hair that fell into his eyes.
Now let's take a more close-up:

The results were quite different, although overlapping. But it's all the same girl, taken at approximately the same time on the same camera with the same lighting! We conclude – for more objective results it is advisable to prepare a few photos of the desired person.
What we can see in the results? is a young service, and the amount of scanned and indexed data is still small. At this stage, therefore, most likely, will be found exactly similar faces, and they will be similar to your particular photo. The ambiguity of the images is much higher than the multiple meanings of words. It should be understood and taken into account.
Another important remark concerns the proper understanding of the results that you have before you. When you launch the search keyword search engines return results sorted by relevance with a fairly good (but not always!) accuracy. And you, most likely, long been accustomed to. When searching for it is guaranteed that if the index already has a picture, an exact copy of the one you send to search, you'll get it first in the results list. But it must be an exact copy in all respects.
How is the results list? To do this, read in FAQ answer on question, which, at first glance, has little to do with our topic "How does the function "Find similar"?" Answer: "When you click on the link "Find similar" under one of the pictures, the search engine will show you similar images from the index. When it comes to photographs create clusters (groups) of images most similar to each other. Thus, when you click on the "Find similar", you see images that belong to one cluster. "Of particular interest to us is the phrase" When it comes to photographs create clusters (groups) of images most similar to each other. "This means that similar images are grouped. When a search for pictures of the conditions are some of the most similar groups, which are displayed in the results. The fact that a group similar to what the photo means that the entire body photos of this group of "average" like a given photo. So on the screen you can see the results are somewhat similar individuals, but a number of other less similar results. Over time, these groups can be rearranged and the results can improve. 100% results not guarantee any search engine on the Internet, at least, modern.
In conclusion, I will say that the service Picollator Online is not a criminal investigation. He does not compare the left eye with the left eye, nose for nose, ear with ear. Methods are somewhat different. It also does not guarantee accurate identification of the individual in the sketch, even a very well-crafted. But the results may be useful to you as development of the system, because using picollator you can find the pages that posted the selections you need pictures.
How to find the service that "the voice" a telephone call, identifies the melody? Service British and so there is useful knowledge of English. Let it be the phrase "search service audio by phone". It didn't work? Then another query on the Yahoo "music discovery engine". Please That's what a quality search query.
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