the ipLex — e-legal system of the Ukrainian legislation
I'm studying for a bachelor's degree in the Odessa legal Academy and as I remember myself in this role — I really miss the electronic legal aid in my pocket. Not like in ' 82 in the yard, and to carry a pair of 3-4 knizhentsii was my duty. Habr were full of news about the next updates of the iOS/Android versions and the toad to the Russian colleagues, I was incredibly crushed. But it has happened, and there was square national product framework ipLex, which, in fact, I want to tell as release candidates a tester.
How many times to you on the street, far-fetched article clung Ppsniki, %username%? How many the tax you did not give a hard fight back, deftly wielding the quotes from the legislation? And whether you're under pressure from dishonest employees to quote the Constitution and other laws, do you know your rights and freedoms? Ashamed? Take the smart in the hands and let's a cat!
Warn: the client is completely in the Ukrainian language, exactly like the original text of secondtest. Post dedicated 20% of the Ukrainian audience of Habra :)
The main motto of the developers is "the Laws must work everywhere". Under this motto podrazumevat as its direct meaning, so that the customer is the full version of the legal system works in environments Windows, Linux and MacOS. Reduced portable versions run on platforms, Android, iOS and Symbian.

Access is by a login password

As far as I can tell, the client is written on the basis of Chromium, due to which the developers managed to provide cross-platform. Although, I suspect that a lawyer with Linux in the afternoon with fire not to find.

The main claimed feature of this legal system is that the legislative framework contains client side, and on the company's servers, thereby obespechivaetsya greater mobility and the relevance of the query results.
Choice chromium taking into account the above two principles — my compliments.

Client searches not only on regulations but also on judicial decisions, which for practitioners is an undeniable advantage. The first is supported by about 500 thousand documents, the second — about 6 million documents. Many different filters are doing their job.
In this version, the entire base is embedded in the client
Supported on Android 2.1.4 and higher iOS 4.0 and later, Symbian S60 5th Edition and higher. I use it on my HTC Sensation.

If you consider that the codified normative legal acts in the Ukrainian legislation about 20 something clever pairs much easier. The teacher who came to love the revs: "okay, who quickly answer me where it is stated that something will get five, well, well, faster" take by storm thanks to the rapid search. Just Google with your phone rather will start to stutter from nerves than will discover what you want.
PS Official site — here, portable version is available now, the release of the computer versions scheduled for early next month. Wishing as I do to test the beta can register on the relevant page of the site.
Article based on information from
How many times to you on the street, far-fetched article clung Ppsniki, %username%? How many the tax you did not give a hard fight back, deftly wielding the quotes from the legislation? And whether you're under pressure from dishonest employees to quote the Constitution and other laws, do you know your rights and freedoms? Ashamed? Take the smart in the hands and let's a cat!
Warn: the client is completely in the Ukrainian language, exactly like the original text of secondtest. Post dedicated 20% of the Ukrainian audience of Habra :)
The main motto of the developers is "the Laws must work everywhere". Under this motto podrazumevat as its direct meaning, so that the customer is the full version of the legal system works in environments Windows, Linux and MacOS. Reduced portable versions run on platforms, Android, iOS and Symbian.
ipLex.A Pro — paid version, the value can be found here

Access is by a login password

As far as I can tell, the client is written on the basis of Chromium, due to which the developers managed to provide cross-platform. Although, I suspect that a lawyer with Linux in the afternoon with fire not to find.

The main claimed feature of this legal system is that the legislative framework contains client side, and on the company's servers, thereby obespechivaetsya greater mobility and the relevance of the query results.
Choice chromium taking into account the above two principles — my compliments.

Client searches not only on regulations but also on judicial decisions, which for practitioners is an undeniable advantage. The first is supported by about 500 thousand documents, the second — about 6 million documents. Many different filters are doing their job.
ipLex.Laws portable free version
In this version, the entire base is embedded in the client
Supported on Android 2.1.4 and higher iOS 4.0 and later, Symbian S60 5th Edition and higher. I use it on my HTC Sensation.

If you consider that the codified normative legal acts in the Ukrainian legislation about 20 something clever pairs much easier. The teacher who came to love the revs: "okay, who quickly answer me where it is stated that something will get five, well, well, faster" take by storm thanks to the rapid search. Just Google with your phone rather will start to stutter from nerves than will discover what you want.
PS Official site — here, portable version is available now, the release of the computer versions scheduled for early next month. Wishing as I do to test the beta can register on the relevant page of the site.
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