GIS technology to the masses

Welcome all!

2 of my articles were not very popular among readers, so I was silent and thought. So, I guess the thing that the previous article was pretty specialized and focused more on understanding than on the majority of the audience. So this time, I will try once again to talk about GIS in fairly General terms, but specific examples, and showed the real possibilities of modern packages used in everyday tasks.

So, today we will focus on the most "mass" program which, nevertheless, can demonstrate the modern achievements in the satellite (including radar) imagery, and the application of these "achievements."

This program is GlobalMapper — features a small size and great functionality. In conjunction with this program I will use for this example is taken from open source the border of one of the nature reserves in Russia.

When the program starts, we are welcomed by an intuitive interface is not a frightening large number of menu items or a bunch of buttons:
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I think it's right just to show the possibilities of the example, so open a prepared file of the boundaries of the Altai reserve. It is important to note that in this example, the boundaries of the reserve are pegged to the coordinates, we can immediately see that appears in the lower right corner coordinates of the mouse cursor:
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That's pretty much all I'll use in this example. It would seem that it can be pulled out of this border? It turns out, a lot. Let's start with the fact that download the on this area. The program GlobalMapper uses open data sources, many of which I covered in my previous article. In order to load the substrate on this area, use available in registered version of the program function File - > Download Online Imagenery/Topo/Terrain Maps...
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Depending on the connection speed, a few seconds/minutes/hours is on Your border and upload the selected picture (in the example I chose Landsat 7 — Natural Color). Convenience initially attached file that you do not have to look for where the territory, and not have to download any extra information — the picture will only appear within the visible area
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Now we have not just a border, and the border on the ground is what it looks like from the satellite. Immediately load here relief. We will do this through the same menu by selecting the SRTM Worldwide Elevation Data. SRTM — Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data satellite radar imagery with a resolution of 90 meters, limited to 60 latitude in the Northern hemisphere and 54 in the South. Everything beyond these latitudes, the SRTM is not represented (in this case, you can use alternatives such as GTopo). Data radar imagery loaded is the same as the pictures, in the end, after a certain time will receive here such picture:
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At our disposal now is, how the territory and its orografia. So, let's get to the most interesting, which I hope will be appreciated by the audience, not having any relation to the use of GIS technologies. For starters, browse through our territory in 3D — on height information of the terrain will be stretched the — get almost real perception of the area. To the picture was "stretched" on the orography, change the order of layers by clicking the Open Control Center button and the arrows to swap the 2 uploaded layer:

All we now need is to click the Show 3D View in the toolbar:
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After clicking a new window will open in which we see a three-dimensional image of terrain:
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In addition to the opportunity to fly over the area, there is also the option to view all "the eyes of a traveler", by clicking on the binoculars. Arrow buttons up/down and the image of the mountains allow you to increase or decrease the vertical scale, making the terrain more visible. The button with the image of water allows you to enable water display at zero and the arrow buttons next to the — to raise or lower the water level. This is another practical application is model of flooding of the territory in those or other natural phenomena (high floods and floods of rivers, tsunamis, long showers, etc.)

And finally, enough watching the relief in the 3D mode, get more familiar with the school way to display the heights of the horizontal. To do this, perform the command File- > Generate Contours... Putting the desired contour interval and making the desired settings, feel free to click OK:
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Hide all unnecessary layers, we obtained a set of contour lines for this area:
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Another, no less useful function of this program is the ability to build profiles with the right data. We have these data (SRTM), so get ready the profile on the line is a matter of a few seconds. Tool 3D Path Profile/Line of Sight Tool — draw the profile with the left mouse button, finish right. Immediately get the elevation profile along the marked line:
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Well, the last one considered in this article, the function will is — a very important characteristic of leisure studies (review/visibility of the area from this point) or, for example, to evaluate in a coverage cell towers. To do this, select the tool Shed Tool and click in a certain place. After some thought, the program will display the result, coloring in red the areas that are viewed from this point:
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I would like to remind you that all this was done in the presence of one file with borders and Internet connections for additional functions.

At this point I will conclude this review informative article. Thank you for your attention!
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