How to sell a company twice or History CleverPumpkin

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First news interview with the former CEO CleverPumpkin Ivan Kozlov. Ivan told how he sold his Studio AviaSales, and then a large share of the same Studio business angel. Interesting: a business partner Ivan went Up from Mobile, and the current Director of the Studio of the infamous Utility.

The story of the creation CleverPumpkin quite simple: in the summer of 2011 Ivan Kozlov suggested his friend, the developer of Vsevolod Billevich from Strecher (now Mobile UP) to open his own mobile Studio.

Ivan Kozlov, a photo from Facebook

Customer search started with cold sales. Ivan built the list of potential clients and arranged them alphabetically. First on the list was Fliers. Ivan found contacts Bones Kalinov on the website and wrote him a letter. The guys are lucky and in August 2011 they signed a contract.

Interestingly, the app interface is was designed by the Usability Lab.

In the process, from Aviasales several times received an offer to purchase the team. But Ivan always joked, as sell in addition to the founders, two programmers, and computers had nothing. Work on the project ended in may 2012.

CleverPumpkin continued to develop, recruit people, appeared office. In June 2012, once again received the offer to purchase. Ivan and Vsevolod agreed. At that time the company had 4 programmer, designer, and 5 remote developers. All staff members and both of the founder become part of the team Aviasales. The transaction amount was not disclosed.

Max Kraynov, Aviasales CEO, says the deal CPU:
... After we saw how professional the guys from Clever Pumpkin, we decided that we definitely need in the state.
1.1. General advice: mobile developers need it in the state because of more ideas than I can implement any Studio. The problem is not in money but in time...

Brand CleverPumpkin, office, contracts with customers, was useless. The Studio wanted to close, but there was an undisclosed angel investor, which bought a large stake in the company. Ivan Vsevolod became minority shareholders.

The Studio got a new team, came a hired Director, a high school friend of Ivan, Denis Germanenko. Denis worked in RipDev Slava Karpenko and Alex Pacem, and later moved to infamous Media Phone SA. The restart process took two and a half months. Some customers don't even know about the change.

Today CleverPumpkin has 12 employees (half remote). Main customers: and two corporate customers. New clients come on their own, thanks to a good portfolio. Other sales channels are not used.

UPD: judging by 180 release Unitology a mysterious "angel" was it Ivan's father, Viktor Kozlov. Victor participated in the creation of companies Reksoft, and ASSIST.
Article based on information from


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