I made and sold a course on Axure 7

don't worry, I'm not going to sell you anything. And the PR wasn't going to. Is simply not found in what other hub Habra or Megamind you can publish this article. Just tell the story. Try shorter.

Once a long time ago I bought some books, tutorials 3dsmax 6 and read them. And most of all knowledge has given me a book built on the principle of "doing practical exercises and in the course of deal with program." Unlike the other, dryly describing all the functions of 3dsmax without practical examples.

When at the beginning of this year I took the course on Axure, I decided to go two ways and took the two products. The first was a set of videos for all Akronym functions, and the second demonstrated like me 5 hours to make from scratch a prototype of the online store. Fortunately, the first I pozaprostir (fortunately, because the approach of the eighth version of the program, it is better to take already for it), and the second brought to an end.

How did the recording. I just sat down for the usual work, only this time he did it silently, and commenting on their actions in standing on the table microphone (the price is 10K, I got it from a friend). For a basis I took the project, which was completed just a month before the start of the record: the Internet shop of printers and cartridges (it was hp). Of course, I greatly simplified for the course. The screen capture I made with a program called Camtasia.

After about seven hours of footage spanning a week, a five-hour course was ready. The question arose of how to sell? Here you can write a lot of text about the search and experiments, but I will limit myself to a description of the final setup: platform for the publication of information products knowhow (5K per month for the use) in conjunction with the payment gate PayU. The contract was with those and with others. White money was supposed to go on Ipsy account. And, in fact, do that.

Then I went to my group Axure in contact, which at the time was a little less than 4K members and said one of the posts: "the People, the course you were ready to buy, according to previous surveys, is ready! Dig in!" Well, of course I it is differently formulated. And that brought me a whopping zero sales. I announced the course a couple of times, including the public Protectorate, with the same result. The question price — 5000 rubles. Wanting to buy one. Turned out to make two sales manually through a friend who knew me and basically waited for this rate.

Page selling a course, at the time the first attempts looked awful, but I'm not going to convince those who are constantly asking me questions on Axure in personal messages, that he's worth their attention. And for good reason.

In the end I had to do landing. For this have used Tilde. With Tilda was another story, worthy of their own article. It all ended well, and for a half hour of my work landing page of course was splashed on the domain of the third level of Protectorate. On the landing there even was a review I received from one of the first buyers. In order not to do sell special clips, I just posted the first and twelfth lessons in open access. And it started to work! And brought me more whole... two sales. This time the buyers are formed from the my channel on YouTube.

In parallel with these cases I regularly communicate with familiar speakers who laughed at my silly sales "in the forehead" (comparing them throwing potatoes at Nevsky in the hope that it will sprout) and shared science on how to sell information products. In a nutshell: first, selling something super-cheap or free, then collect the audience on a pair of three webinars organized by the newsletter subscriptions, sell something more expensive and in the end, when everything is already warmed up and informed, they roll out the full course. And, most importantly, do not need to sell this as "the Course of prototyping in Axure". Have to sell as "a Course that will teach you the skills through which you can earn a lot of money freelancing". In General, infobiznesmena turned out I did not, because I knew that one of those people who pass the course, earn something on freelancing will be unity, and it can not be associated with what I teach. This knowledge prevented me.
In the end I gave is in Contact and in Direct. The contact took my ad to be shown on the seventh attempt. Moreover, the seventh version of the ad is identical to the fifth version, which refused to show. At first did not like the image (in the end just put a picture of your face), then the language. As a result, the ads were only ad. He showed me his groups that inhabited UX designers, the audience was about 15K people. The recommended price of the transition was about forty roubles. So the first 2.5 to rubles, I merged a couple of hours until I decided to try to reduce the recommended price to 20 roubles, then to 10 rubles, and now it is spinning for 3 rubles per click. The effectiveness of the coverage and impressions fell, but not in order, unlike the prices. Advertising in Contact brought me 3 buyers, respectively money on it bounced back with a vengeance.

Pro Direct I to say really nothing. A budget of 1000 roubles at the set of key phrases, which the authors may be interested in prototyping in the seventh Axure, spent a week with great difficulty.

Total: for all the time I made 7 sales (but not going to stop) and barely repulsed the hours spent creating the course. But it is already clear how and what to run the next course.



First, I, as a novice seller of its own product in electronic form, faced with the fact that they did not understand, what services to use, what to do and how to sell. And active search in Yandex and Google did not lead me to any team that would be able to take me with my product and guide on the right path or subscriber for a referral reward. Now I can easily find the services and commands, but only because upgradealso from a beginner to someone who a little bit in the subject. From: Nisha assistance to novice speakers is not very good at working with the target audience. All the interesting and already established authors.

Second, sell now easier applied materials for various professions, and the profession as a whole with sauce personal benefit from this profession. Everyone is asking about the full course on interface design, but few would be interested in details and particulars: how to speed up a job in a specialized software or which business processes use certain established market specialists. At the hearing cardboard characters, use-cases, Cooper and Ruskin. And formalization of the functional requirements, or how to write TZ, to be interested in will be units that already smelled gunpowder. And it is logical. And me a lesson for the future.

Thirdly, the fact of creating something Autonomous for sale and then selling it, gave me new experiences and emotions. Also I was able to compare the sales of information products sales services design (that's what I do for a living) and understand what pieces where you can borrow.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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