– like Button for website

Once in the commenting system I use on projects disappeared "like" button. Accordingly, the visitors lost an opportunity in one click without logging into social networks and register on the site to evaluate the publication. A decent amount of time was spent searching for the easy button "I like", which could be quickly installed on site and which would not slow the loading of pages. In the end, it was found the following solution, which I want to tell you,

Use on your projects – the second month in normal flight.



  • You get one neat like button instead of just a bunch of social media buttons on your website. As you know, social buttons negatively affect the loading time of your website. The more social buttons on your website, the slower it is loaded, the more visitors you lose. Besides, for search engines the most important criterion is the speed of loading pages of your website. Read more: [1], [2]
  • the
  • like Button is loaded asynchronously so it does not slow down your website. Read more: [1], [2]
  • the
  • LikeBtn allows to assess how the entire page or individual elements on the page.
  • the
  • Visitors do not need to register or login to social networks to take advantage of the "like"button.
  • the
  • Using the "like" button, users can share a link in social networks: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook, etc.



  • Button is fully customizable via parameters.
  • the
  • Available inline styles.
  • the
  • button is code generator of a button.
  • the
  • appearance is fully customizable via CSS.
  • the
  • can be translated to any language.
  • the
  • Built-in support for the following languages: Russian, English, German, Japanese.
  • the
  • Has an API to obtain statistics on likes.
Article based on information from


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